Servants of Mary
PO Box 389
Ladysmith, WI 54848

Sister Mary Dominica Effertz, OSMServite Stories

Why Am I A Servite?

Sister Mary Dominica Effertz, OSM
Part-time Pastoral Care Ministry
Spooner, Wisconsin

The 6th of 13 children, I was born at Weyerhaeuser, WI on June 6, 1932.   Growing up on a farm I learned at an early age what it meant to share and help in the family.  My parents were wonderful teachers and nurtured the faith of their children through their example.  They taught us to trust in God’s care and to be self-giving and willing to share.  A family practice which I remember – gathering to pray the Rosary every evening during Lent.  I believe these early years helped to shape my values and attitudes about life.  For this I am most grateful to my parents!

I attended a rural one-room school for grades 1-4 and attended Sts. Peter & Paul Parochial School in Weyerhaeuser, WI. for grades 5-8. The Servite Sisters from Ladysmith, WI were my teachers. During my 8th grade year the seed of my vocation was planted.  It was the kindness of the Sisters, and their joyful spirit that attracted me to their way of life. I loved them, and wanted to be just like them! 

At the tender age of 13 I left my family and became an aspirant in the Servite Order in Ladysmith, in September 1945.  I will not say it was easy to leave home at such an early age. Five other young girls came to the Convent at the same time, and we developed lasting friendships. Of that group of six, five of us have remained, being professed Sisters for 61 years.

My ministry was in education for 50 years.  Most of those years were spent teaching the very young children in grades 1 & 2.  With the exception of teaching at St. Paul’s School in Weirton, WV for 4 years, the other 46 years were at schools in the Diocese of Superior, WI--namely, St. Louis School of Washburn, WI, Sacred Heart School of Almena, WI, Our Lady of Sorrows School of Ladysmith, WI and St. Francis deSales School of Spooner, WI.  I loved teaching children of this age because they were so completely open and sincere, enthusiastic and excited about learning.  Besides teaching them the basic skills for learning and reading, I tried to be a model for them and lead them closer to Jesus. 

When I completed the last chapter of my teaching career in June 2000, I began a new parish ministry of serving on the Pastoral CareTeam. I visit and bring Holy Communion to the elderly in their homes, visit the local hospital and nursing home.  Sometimes it means being with and praying with the dying.  I also serve as a Hospice Volunteer.  I continue to be involved in the parish in other ways, serving as extraordinary minister of the Eucharist, participate in the music ministry, singing in the Adult Choir and sometimes playing the organ at Mass.

In September 2010 three families from Spooner who wished to be affiliated with the Servite Order were admitted into the Servite Lay Diakonia.  This is a new expression of Servite life in the USA, until now present only in Italy.  I accompany these families on this spiritual journey and act as their mentor.

I consider it a special blessing to have been called to the Order of the Servants of Mary, dedicated to Mary, the Mother of God. Because we have always been a relatively small Community of Sisters, we share a close ‘family bond’, and I appreciate that.  May we always continue “like Mary, to be a compassionate presence in the lives of others.”


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