Servants of Mary
PO Box 389
Ladysmith, WI 54848

President's MessageMessage from Leadership

arrowPresident's Message: Family Traits

Every once in a while I get a computer-generated letter that addresses me as "Dear Mrs. Osm," mistaking the initials of my religious community for my family name. In a sense, though, OSM is a family name. It stands for the Order of the Servants of Mary, or Servites for short.

Like a family, we Servites have certain characteristics traits, both good and bad. We call the ensemble of our good traits our "charism." So far as I know, we don't have a common name for our bad traits. But we know they are there, and they keep us humble.

Our Servite family is very diverse. It consists of friars, sisters, contemplative nuns, and lay men and women in a variety of forms of association. Our family is also very widespread. You'll find us ministering to God's people on six continents: North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Africa, and Australia. We come in all colors of the human rainbow, and we speak many different languages.

With such diversity, what might we all have in common?

Our first and most fundamental family trait as Servants of Mary is suggested by our very name. A special relationship to Mary had characterized Servites throughout our nearly 800 years of existence. In particular, we are mindful of the sorrows Mary endured as the mother of Jesus. From Mary we learn to be a compassionate presence in the world. As Servites we feel a special call to listen to the cries of the world with the heart of Mary.

We Servites also are distinguished by having as our founder not a single individual but a group of seven friends, who were drawn together by their profound love of God and God's people. To have a vocation to the Servite way of life brings with it, then, the delightful and demanding task of cultivating the life-giving bonds of friendship.

Such friendship has the quality of what John Paul II calls a "communion of persons," in which many become one without losing their individuality and uniqueness. We all know how much we need and yearn for such friendship, such communion. In its absence, differences among us easily become divisive and destructive, and may even lead to violence. In its presence, through the reciprocal gift of self that makes us one, even our differences become mutually enriching.

The family traits mentioned above apply to all Servite groups. Like any large family, however the various branches of the Order also have their own special flavor, their own way of living out the Servite charism.

What is the special flavor of our branch of the Servite Order, the Servants of Mary of Ladysmith? I think it's captured beautifully in the statement that emerged last June when we gathered to ponder the question:"Where is God leading us?" You'll find the statement printed in the right hand column of this page.

If, when you read this statement, you find yourself reflected in it as well, don't be surprised. You, our families and friends, have all contributed to who we are as persons and as a community. Some of you at one time even shared our life as Ladysmith Servite Sisters. You've rubbed off on us and helped to give us the special flavor we bring to the Servite Order. At the same time, we've rubbed off on you and communicated something of our charism. So, as the song goes, consider yourself part of the family. Welcome to the Osms!

Sister Theresa Sandok, OSM

Sister Theresa Sandok, OSM


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