Servants of Mary
PO Box 389
Ladysmith, WI 54848

Sister Kateri Guske, O.S.M.Servite Stories

Why Am I A Servite?

Sister Kateri Guske, OSM
Part time Reading Intervention Instructor
Holy Rosary School, Medford, Wisconsin

Quite some time ago when I was a child, the Servite Sisters were the only Sisters I knew. I had no idea that others existed. But I would’ve chosen the Servites anyway.

The summer before I started 4th grade we moved from our farm to the "big" city of Washburn, Wis., population about 4/5 of a thousand. I attended a Catholic School for the first time that autumn. That is my first recollection of contact with Sisters. I hardly noticed what they were wearing - until I had to wear it.

The Sisters seemed so genuinely human and happy. They joined us in our baseball games, our snowball fights, went sledding, and even invited us into their home for cookies and lemonade.
They really liked us. I was in seventh or eighth grade when I had the opportunity to visit the Sisters' motherhouse in Ladysmith. I witnessed the same zest for life I saw in the Sisters who taught us. I wanted a piece of the action. I asked Sister Mary Jane what I needed to do if I wanted to be a Sister. She told me to say one Hail Mary, Our Father, and Glory Be every day. I did this daily. It worked! After my profession of vows my prayer life expanded and changed. I was now one of them.

When I was a freshman in high school I couldn’t attend Servite High School in Ladysmith. because there wasn’t room. So when the Mother General came to visit the Sisters I asked to see her and convinced her to make room. She did and I arrived in Ladysmith on January 29th. I slept in the hallway that year. It wasn’t all daisies and honey but I knew I belonged.

Because of the Sisters I was able to attend college and become a teacher. That wasn’t in my plans but I gradually discovered that I was a born teacher and I loved it. I taught for 49 years, most of them in first grade. During those years I lived with a variety of Sisters in many places.

As I grew up I was challenged, loved, and drawn out of my shell. Because of the help and support of my Sisters I now have a deep spirituality and continue my commitment to walk in God’s love in respect with friends, family, those I serve, those I work with and meet along the way on this earth I call home. In this way, I continue to do my part in bringing about a better world for all. My Sisters continue to challenge me, love me, and draw me out. What more could I ask?

Being a Servite has been, and remains, a life source that allows me to grow, be true to myself, and stay connected with the rest of the world. Together we face the difficulties, fears, joys, and beauties of our fast changing world, and are aware that we’re indeed not alone. We have each other and a God who just won’t leave us!


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