Servants of Mary
PO Box 389
Ladysmith, WI 54848

Jeannine Percy, OSM

Servite Stories

Why Am I A Servite?

Sister Barbara Thomalla, OSM
Public Health Nurse
St. Paul, Minnesota

The Servites taught me at St. Jerome School in St. Paul, Minnesota during my eight years of grade school. In seventh grade, Mr. McGraw assigned us to make a vocation booklet, which prompted me to consider being a sister. My vocation booklet had two chapters: the longest chapter focused on being a nurse, the shorter chapter told about becoming a sister. My mother was a nurse; my aunt was a nurse and a Franciscan Sister. I needed to decide: should I be a Franciscan or a Servite? I liked the Servite habit better so, in 1963, I joined the Aspirancy in Ladysmith for four years of high school, and returned for the Postulancy and Novitiate. I succeeded in all that I did those years and received encouragement from the sisters to continue this way of life. The changes of Vatican II resulted in sisters wearing secular clothes so I never wore that habit I liked so much!

Perhaps the theme of my life is symbolized in that experience of choosing the Servites because of their habit and then never wearing it! I feel drawn to do something and the first choice leads me to other choices. Some sisters experience the call to be Servite as a clear, strong, long-held desire. I experience a call more as “try-it-and-see-if-you-like-it.”

Some examples: I became very stressed after working in several hospitals and Servite Sister Leone suggested I try public health nursing. I was scared thinking about going to people’s homes and I fainted when I went with a nurse on my first interview. Still I wanted to try it and have thoroughly enjoyed it for nearly 30 years.

A friend, who was the director of social justice at a parish church, invited me to participate in a training course on building relationships. I said: “Sure, I like to meet people and have significant conversations.” Little did I know where it would lead me. I became an advocate for affordable housing and healthcare for all, and visited the offices of Senators and Representatives at the state capitol to tell them what I believe.

I believe most people choose a way of life or a career and then need to choose it again when circumstances change. I continue to be a Servite because the relationships with the Servite sisters are important to me, because being Servite provides me with opportunities to learn about life, because being Servite is the best way I know to love God and God’s creation.


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